BIMflow automates frequently used iConstruct and Navisworks® workflows allowing scheduling of tasks to work around any agenda.

iConstruct BIMflow

BIMflow application maximizes productivity for all engineering projects and streamlines processes. Users can design their own workflows and put their ideas into practice. The workflows created in BIMflow can include any of iConstruct’s modules as well as Navisworks® own features. Once the BIMflow is designed and run, it follows all the commands and features one by one and creates the federated model in an unattended mode.

BIMflow commands are categorized into three panels: iConstruct Activities, Standard and Control flow panel.

BIMflow features and commands
Features and commands from iConstruct and Navisworks®.
BIMflow features and commands
BIMflow features and commands
BIMflow features and commands

Standard panel contains a number of basic features which can be used in the design workflows such as Start Navisworks®, Stop Navisworks®, copy files from one folder to another for running into Navisworks®, connect/disconnect a network drive, execute data query, check whether a file exists, get a list of all the nominated files to be used in the model, change file name, etc.

iConstruct Activities panel contains a number of Navisworks® and iConstruct commands which can be used to create a federated model and automate model creation. These commands include appending data to objects, managing clashes, color coding objects based on selection/search sets, select/unselect objects and hide/unhide them, create viewpoints, linking external data sources, audit activities, export to IFC/DWG/FBX files, reconstruct model, zone tool activities, etc.

ControlFlow panel contains a number of conditions and variables which can be executed to meet certain requirements. For example, the “IF” condition can be used to follow a specific workflow if the conditions are met and to follow a different workflow if the conditions are not met.

Adding commands to the workflow by dragging&dropping them in the sequence.

BIMflow workflows can be run on users’ machine or also be saved in the server and categorized into groups and users. Any user connecting to the server can access BIMflow workflows and run them whenever needed. The users can be assigned to a different level of accessibility such as Job Admin, Job Creator, Job Viewer, and Profile Viewer.

The workflows can also be scheduled to run at a specified time automatically, eliminating the need for attended workflow initiation. In addition, users are able to run and schedule the BIMflows with basic Task Scheduler in Windows without setting up the BIMflow server.