ReConstruct reorganizes and groups a models hierarchy to optimize the models selection tree.


With Reconstruct, the tree structure is reorganised based on the model properties and allows you to rename the elements by a nominated attribute. This tool can be used to divide large models into smaller areas for cleaning-out model property tabs.

Selection Tree before and after reconstructing.

A federated model can be large in size and cumbersome to work with. By using ReConstruct, the model can be split by levels or areas. This is achieved by using various tools such as Section planes. Hide the unrequired objects or select the objects to be included in the new model.

Sectioned model with Sectioning tool and exported as separated NWD.

Zone Slicer for ReConstruct provides further control of your models. Either import your own cuboid zone .NWD or use the provided utility to create a zone volume .NWD from sectioned viewpoints. Then export a sliced .NWD for each viewpoint. Note this module supports cuboid zones only currently.